STUDIO HETA - Editorial · Digital · Sound

Innovative design solutions

for engaging print 

and digital publications.

Exclusive offer for new customers

As book and magazine lovers, we understand the intricate dance between typography, layout, and imagery that results in visually stunning and immersive reading experiences.

Whether you’re an established author, a debut writer, or simply passionate about a specific issue, we tailor our designs to match the tone and essence of your narrative, ensuring that every page resonates with your unique voice.

Your story deserves nothing less than the best presentation, and we are here to make that a reality.

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How we work

Targeting & Analysis

Every cooperation starts with attentive listening, informing and researching. After all, in order for the design to have its maximum effect, it must fit perfectly with the product. For this purpose, we read manuscripts and exchange ideas intensively with the author.

Ideation & Creation

We develop a creative vision and a design concept. In doing so, we generate ideas that we visualise using typography, colours and graphics. With attention to detail, but without losing sight of the big picture. Lastly, we present our ideas and get valuable feedback.

Implementation & Delivery

Every idea is only as good as its execution. That’s why we rely on a combination of creativity and precision in our work. In addition, we look for the most sustainable production possible, which ensures that the entire design process is environmentally conscious and resource-friendly.

Client work

Selected clients

Exclusive offer for new customers


  • Cover design for books and magazines
  • Interior design for books and magazines 
  • Design for brochures and flyers
  • Design for digital publications

  • Creation of infographics
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Delivery of advertising materials
  • Production management


  • It’s Nice That
  • AIGA
  • Fonts In Use
  • The Dieline



About Studio Heta




Editorial, Digital, Sound


6 Professionals

Following my studies in communication design in Munich and earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in London, I founded my own companies, where I served as both managing partner and owner. 

Studio Heta was born out of my passion for editorial, digital, and sound design. Together with a team of professionals who share my vision and values, we strive to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

Jonathan Hällmayer

Communication Designer

Let’s talk.